Configuring the Asset Dependency Manager App

To modify configuration settings, navigate to Apps, select your app, and click the Configure icon (gear shaped icon)

User Access

1. Only the users who have been provided access can use the Asset Dependency Manager app. The list shows the users who have access to the app.

Eloqua asset dependency manager to manage assets

2. To add a new user, search for the user name and click on search. The result will be displayed in the table below. Click on ‘+’ to provide access to the user and save..

Eloqua asset dependency manager to clear unwanted dependency

Default Action Selection

1. Go to Asset Dependency Manager on AppCloud Catalog

2. Click on Configure button

Eloqua asset dependency manager to clear dependencies from different types of assets

3. Admin can provide default action (Remove/Replace) for primary asset and it’s dependencies. Incase of Replace action, alternate asset has to be provided and the action needs to be saved. This selection will automatically appear during ‘Manage Dependency’ for the assets mapped. However the user can still change the default mapping in the package.

Eloqua asset dependency manager to clear unwanted dependency

Cruise Control Settings

Consider the use case where you are removing dependency of a Segment and that Segment has a dependency on a Campaign with ‘Completed’ status. Since Completed Campaigns cannot be edited, there is no way of removing the Segment within it. The only way to remove dependency is to delete the Completed Campaign. This way the Segment is no more dependent on the Campaign. When the app encounters a dependency on a Completed Campaign, it checks if the Campaign belongs to the folder that is added in the admin page under the ‘Cruise Control Settings’ as shown below. If yes, then it automatically adds the ‘Completed’ Campaign into the package for further processing. If no, then the Completed Campaign will not be added into the package for further processing.

Eloqua asset dependency manager to clear unwanted dependencies

To select the folder, you can click on the Folder or click on   to open the Folder Structure to the nth level.

Eloqua asset dependency manager to delete unwanted files

Select the folder and click on Add and Save. You can also add multiple folders. Similarly you can remove the folders.

Eloqua asset dependency manager to delete unwanted files

Account Fields Feature

Default Actions can be set to (Remove/Replace) for Account Fields asset and its dependencies in Admin Page

Eloqua asset dependency manager to clear unwanted dependencies

Custom Object Fields Feature

Default Actions can be set to Remove/Delete (no Replace option) for Custom Object Fields asset and its dependencies in Admin Page

Field Merge Feature

Default asset actions can now be set to Remove or Replace for an asset and its dependencies in the Admin Page.

Eloqua asset dependency manager to delete unwanted files


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Basic Tables

Accasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical.

Full Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Jimmy Root
(+880) 2140 2564
Jayson Roy
(+880) 2140 2524
Davib Warner
(+880) 2140 2536
Steven Smith
(+880) 2140 2500
Marlon Brando
(+880) 2140 2578

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